Identify who your serving & who you’d most like to serve. We call this your client avatar: a persona of your ideal client. Who are they? Male? Female? Age? What do they do on the weekends? What beliefs do they have? Hell, even give ‘em a name. Once you have your client/customer avatar it’s easier […]

  Mistake #1: Most shots are Vertical with you centered This is fine if it’s going to sit on your mantle but your brand photos will be utilized on the web for mostly marketing. Computer screens are horizontal therefore horizontal photos work best for mobile users your web designer needs negative space to be able […]

  Mistake #1 | Being a DIY Daisy The entrepreneurial path is a tough one. Not investing in yourself & deciding to do it ALL myself really cost me time – and in the long term Money + my mental health. Even if you don’t have the funds to outsource right away, look for others […]

Imposter syndrome comes from a lack of confidence in a skill, it’s an important distinction that it does not come from the lack of the ability to do the skill. It’s simply a belief system that we’ve chosen to buy into. The best way to overcome imposter syndrome & know how to deal with those […]

  In its most basic definition business is a solution to a problem. That solution is your product/service that you get to charge money for. This pandemic has created a lot of problems for a lot of people. It’s forced evolution and its when businesses thrive.  Whether now is the right time for you to […]

     BEGIN HERE IF YOU ARE A COURSE CREATOR As a course creator, you are your business, you are sharing with people knowledge that only you have & can give in your unique way. Therefore, you already know about all the be you, be unique, be authentic rah rah rah. I know all too […]

  Let me begin by saying portfolio’s can be great they are an inexpensive & efficient way to showcase one’s work. When you aren’t looking to niche down, or even actively pursue clients or if you just want an online space to show what you know, what you’ve done a portfolio is the way to […]