Mistakes the Blogger, Coach, & Spiritual Businesses Make in Brand Photoshoots

Oct 7, 2020


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Mistake #1: Most shots are Vertical with you centered

This is fine if it’s going to sit on your mantle but your brand photos will be utilized on the web for mostly marketing. Computer screens are horizontal therefore horizontal photos work best for mobile users your web designer needs negative space to be able to crop the photo to the size that would look best on mobile. How to create that negative space? By you (the photo’s subject) being to the far left of the image or the far-right rather than front & center.


Mistake #2: All your photos are of your face. 

So that you aren’t tiring the viewers of the same logo over & over again it’s important to have brand elements to draw out your brand visually. Well, viewers can get tired of seeing the same face, for this reason, working shots of you, close-ups of just your hands are essential, even group working shots (if that fits your business).


Mistake #3: You only bring one outfit.

Brand photography is an investment, & meant to be a long-lasting element of your brand therefore keeping to one outfit, over & over again throughout all your photos is almost like putting a time stamp on them, & they’ll expire much more quickly. Choosing various outfits allows you to play with your brand’s tone of voice & expression. Think when you’re having a launch you’re excited you want your customers to be excited so plan some shots in some really fun color popping outfits. For more everyday content plan the more typical casual look whatever that is for you + your brand.

Mistake #4: No staged prop flat lay images where there is no human subject present in the photos.

The more views of you in your element whether that’s your office space, couch, nearby cafe etc. the more opportunity that viewers get to witness you the more they feel connected to you, they can envision themselves working with you & that’s the ultimate goal. Images like these are great because while they are just background & give the eyes a place to rest in your overall design or to focus on the content they still communicate an overall vibe, just like a soundtrack does to a movie.

Mistake #5: Not getting video content. I made this mistake & it pains me every day. Even if it’s just a recording on an iPhone or back to back “burst mode” photos so your designer can make a gif. Having moving creative elements like gifs & videos embedded on your site creates a deeper level of experience. 

#1 Tip: Get relaxed, I get it you want your brand photoshoot to be professional but if your nervous that shines through in the photos. Get confident by taking some selfies in the mirror before, practice your angles, the day of put on some music & have a glass wine, take a literal chill pill & I promise you’ll end up loving your photos!


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