7 Poses for Your Branding Photo Shoot

Aug 21, 2019


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The photos from your brand photo shoot should serve a variety of purposes from online & physical ads, to social media posts, to product packaging, to backgrounds on your website. You want to come out on the other side of this photo shoot feeling confident & having your needs met. For all the info you need to ensure that you get your investment of time & money from your photo shoot read my blog post Ultimate Branding Photo Shoot Guide + Free Shot List Planner.

Anyone who has ever perused a regular Insta profile from your average Joe blow knows that to capture a great photo is not as simple as just pointing a camera & clicking to get a great shot. Certain angles give off particular vibes about the subject of the photo. Imagine it’s the day you get your photos back & they look beautiful of course but you rather quickly realize you cant use a lot the shots or can only use a handful over & over again. Down the drain goes all your precious time & effort. Get the most from your investment of time & money by ensuring that you have at least the following 8 poses in your branding photo shoot.

The Head Shot

Even if your a product based business these photos are great for “About” pages on your website or “Our Story” on your product packaging. People yearn for connection, and rarely are we buying the item as much as we are buying into the company that shares our ideals & beliefs of the world, the people behind the company and their journey.






The Working Shot

Whatever this looks like for your business, maybe its someone wearing / using your product maybe its you crafting your product, or just a focus on the hands. These shots are great live shots that incorporate a flow of energy that van be felt by the viewer. It makes your products, your flow & process come to life. In these shots you are capturing the moment not necessarily you & your face. In fact keeping it up close & personal makes it more intimate some how even if the viewer can only see your hands in the photo. From these photos your viewers feel included in part of the process. Even if your work is at a computer there are still ways to capture this, from writing in your agenda book, taking notes, piecing together a mood board etc.








Daily Elements

These shots are focused on where you spend your time when your not directly working, maybe your favorite coffee shop, eatery, park bench. Is your office a home office & your balcony is your chill space? It allows for your audience to get to know you in a more relaxed way. We aren’t always in our “on” or “business” mode, and that’s okay & human. Show that, use it.






Outdoor shots change up the whole energy & vibrancy of a photo. Also a great time for an outfit change so that all your photos don’t appear to have all been taken on the exact same day. Other tips on how to achieve this trick can be read about in my Ultimate Guide for Your Branding Photo Shoot Blog. Depending on the tone of your brand outdoor shots brings you your product, your work out into the world. It suddenly becomes something viable to be interacted with.






Having fun

This is authenticity at its max & the rewards of authenticity is connection & alignment. When you show up as you are in all your own quirky glory it gives others permission to do the same. While none of us need permission to be ourselves, we often seek it in unhealthy forms of validation. When you choose to show up as you are standing in your own truth & having fun doing so will trigger others to want to share in that energy with you. Everybody wants to hang with the fun person, its their energy & vibe, & yes, this even holds true online.





Confidence is K E Y

Photos are literally a freezing of a moment in time. Meaning while in person you may not focus too much on how comfortable you feel because your facial expressions & body language are constantly changing with every moment but a camera freezes whatever is before it so the camera is going to pick up on all those micro expressions that are hollering, “Im uncomfortable as F. I don’t feel good. I’m forcing this smile to get through this photo shoot & move on to the next thing.” Yep you know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words well this is what they mean. The camera will pick up on your vibe, your energetic field, your level of happiness within that moment. So dont try to fake it till you make it, cause the fakeness translates in photos. Instead, do some power poses, meditation for self love or self acceptance, practice some self love before your shoot, choose a wardrobe that feels good, recite some affirmations. Ive put together a free printable of 12 affirmations for the entrepreneur – but applicable to anyone that is working on their own self growth & being the best version of themselves. Click the image below to download now!


Click this image to download my F R E E printable affirmations for the entrepreneur.

Click this image to download my F R E E printable affirmations for the entrepreneur.


Work Area

Your work area without you or any one else in it. It creates an intimacy with your audience by giving them a sneak peek at where the magic happens. These are great for ads, or website backgrounds & tend to be a high return on investment because photos like these have a long shelf life. They can continue to be used over & over again over the years & evolution of your business.








Stock Photos

Custom stock photography with your own tools in your own space. This ensures that where you would normally have to use stock photography from a rando site whose photos have been taken & edited by different photographers you instead have perfectly matched, on-brand photography.








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