Clickup Overview

Sep 22, 2020


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Click up is an amazing tool & they are constantly adding new features to make it even better! Here’s a quick overview of all the ways Click up saves my sanity in my personal life & businesses. Its a to do list in beast mode, a digital cork board for articles you want to go back & read, emails you need to respond to later, a scheduler & self timer for tracking productivity, a screen shot taker and a bookmark keeper. Work with teams and need to be able to assign a task to a team member then track changes & notes along the way? Clickup was designed for this. Keep track of notes from calls, meetings, or pdfs & graphics you need accessible at your finger tips when completing a task. Easily be able to view your tasks by lists, calendar view or board view! Even keep track of your monthly bills & automate them to reoccur next month!

  • Goal Setting

  • easy email management

  • Onscreen task manager turns any where on the web into a note, task or reminder.

  • painless monthly Budget

  • stressless meal planing

  • quick grocery list

  • to do Task management for my primary design business, my clients plus my two passive income businesses


What makes click up great is how customizable the view options are (calendar view, list view, etc) & how the platform breaks down your organized spaces. Think of a “Space” as a facet of your life in Click up, I have 5 spaces, Home, Self, The Enlightened Studio (my primary business), Clients, Passive Income (a stand alone business) Within each of these “spaces” it breaks down further into folders which then comprise as many lists as your heart desires. The following lists I have comprised in my Home Folder under my “Life” space:

  • Grocery List

  • Meal Plan

  • Meal Library

  • Budget

Click up Home Folders.png


The Grocery List

Thanks to folders within each world or “space” that can comprise of multiple lists for one topic & easily move “tasks” or items between lists. So for my grocery list I can easily see which items we are completely out of & which items we are running low on so if I can’t find the brand I want I know I can wait till my next shopping trip, and when we are officially out its just a matter of dragging & dropping that item into my “OUT” list.

click the image below to watch this in real time.


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Calendar view make meal planning painless

Because of Clickups’ awesome view control options, I can view any “list” on a calendar instead which makes meal planning a month at a time a breeze! Again, Clickup makes moving tasks or in this case menu items for my meal plan “list” a breeze simply drag & drop your “menu item” /task on to whichever day you want!


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Because Clickup easily allows for movement between lists & you can set-up automatic reoccurring tasks based on dates/or time I don’t need any other budgeting software to keep me on track of my monetary responsibilities. I list all my bills as tasks & set them to reoccur every month upon my “closing” them- which in Clickup this would archive them. I organize each bill/task into 3 columns, Unpaid, Almost, & Paid. You’ll notice a final column titled “closed” this is where I move all my paid bills or “tasks” into at the end of the month to archive when I’m ready for click-up to create a new bill/task set for the next month. The best part about this is any notes you may have made pertaining to a particular bill can still be found under your new task that Clickup creates after you’ve archived the old one. So next month when I call my student loan company to complain I can let them know exactly who I complained to the last 3 months. Currently, I also have another column titled HOLD just to keep track of any bills I’ve put on pause- (currently, thanks to COVID I’ve reallocated the funds for my student loans to my credit card). So My Student loan bill/task is held under this column for the time being along with notes of the particulars of my arrangement so that i stay on track. When a bill gets paid I simply slide it over to the paid column. Then at the end of the month when I review my accounts I close all the tasks in the paid column to that Clickup automatically reoccurs the task for the following month, resetting my whole system for the new month quickly & easily.


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Brief overview: How To Setup Clickup for business

For my business, I have 3 separate folders that each comprise various lists of tasks all relating back to the main folder topic.  Each folder is labeled according to a facet of my business. Within each folder are various task lists

HQ | Headquarters (folder)

  • Task lists comprised within:

  • Daily To-Do’s

  • 90-day Action Plan

  • Income goals

  • Investments (tools, platforms, etc)

  • Education (course investments)

  • Next Actions (running list of things I would like to get done regarding my biz but aren’t necessary- ex: redesign proposal template)

Operations (folder)

  • (step by step list of processes)

  • Brand Packaging

  • Web Design

Marketing (folder)

  • Content Ideas (tickler file)

  • Blog Creation (process breakdown)

  • Blog Editorial Calendar – Stays in Calendar view

  • Pinterest (process breakdown)

  • References (gathering place for refs)


Enlightened Studio Folder Breakdown.png

Click here for a full tutorial on how to set-up Clickup to start using it today!



wave goodbye to multiple tabs open on numerous windows

Theres just so many amazing things out there on the internet & its so easy to fall down a rabbit hole and sometimes those rabbit holes are really good, and useful, but don’t apply to the task at hand so you leave the rabbit hole tab (or tabs ) open to look back into when you have a bit of time. Well thanks to Clickups on screen assistant you can put a digital pin in it & schedule a reminder for yourself at a later time. This is my most used feature in Clickup. I think of the assistant as a more organized Pinterest widget, a digital tac-bored to save things from around the web that I need to return to. It captures the page & allows you to create a new task & assign to any list in any space, make a bookmark added to a task, take a screenshot (whole or selection) draft an email directly from the on screen client or take notes. Found a course I want to invest in, I save it to my Educational investments list, found a recipe I want to try, I schedule it right into my meal plan then add the items I need to my grocery list, all while never leaving the site I’m on. It is the end of leaving numerous tabs open all week long. Create a task, bookmark or copy & save the link in a new task then set a due date for yourself as a reminder to come back & look at/buy/read/print however you need to process the information!



Easy Email Clean Up & Task Management

Clickups on-screen assistant will help you whip that email inbox into shape! Take this email for example, it’s an estimate, I need to at a later time sit down & review it among the others. So i’ll create a task for it, link or bookmark the email then assign a due date to the task to remind me later this weekend to take the time to review this. Click here for a full view to see it in action!


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set your business goals & make sure your moving the needle forward on those most important goals each day!

From breaking down your quarterly goals to even a goal as simple as finishing a course, Clickup helps you break it down, stay motivated & show ensure that your pushing the needle forward on goals that are meaningful to you. You know what they say, its the things you make the time for that get done, if you leave it to find the time you never will find it. A goal without a plan is just a wish.


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You get all this with Clickups’ free forever plan. beteewn all the features plus an iPhone app I can rest assured knowing nothing is slipping through the cracks. As a single mother & serial entrepreneur the peace of mind I now have with Clickup is beyond measurable. If your ready to check out Clickup for yourself simply click the button below then follow the link below to my quick & stressfree Clickup Setup Guide.

Next, follow my guide for setting up Clickup the right way, the first time around, without the headache >


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